GR8NET-ROM.TXT GR8NET ROM BIOS release notes Date: 19 Feb 2020 Build: 20200219 - exFAT file system support; - extra arguments for NETPLAYWAV; - SD-card players (audio and video) can now be suspended with STOP key. Date: 28 Oct 2019 Build: 20191025 - Mapper mode 7 NETSETMAP/NETTGTMAP argument MRPD is now switching sample RAM on rather than disabled the mapped RAM completely (anyway it was useless this way); - Nextor steps up to version 2.1.0. Date: 25 Dec 2017 Build: 20171225 Previous release: 20171118 - Now network MP3 player shows data buffer status and can process metadata in MPEG stream, displaying it onto the screen; - MP3 FPGA image can now work in mapper 8 mode (with Nextor available in subslot 2, and subslot 3 being empty); - NETTELNET command was removed, command NETTERM put instead. Date: 09 May 2017 Build: 20170509 Previous release: 20170426 - Redesigned built-in disk-ROM so that most .DSK images are operational with GR8NET now; - extended NETVER command info reporting; - added mappers 9-14; - changed GR8NET identification through index I/O port - instead of just 'G' now application reads "GR8N" followed by the year (word), month (byte) and day (byte) of the GR8NET engine build; - added NETGETMAP command; - added third argument to NETSETMAP command to disable mapped RAM in mappers 8-14; - expanded set of arguments in brackets {} for browser's ROM file identification to 3. Date: 26 Apr 2017 Build: 20170426 Previous release: 20170321 - Added MP3 format support for media player; - developed fix for MP3 cartridge in its ATMega firmware to be used with GR8NET for MP3 playback. Date: 21 Mar 2017 Build: 20170321 Previous release:20170316 - Added two commands: NETSYSINFO and NETVARUDTO. Date: 13 Feb 2017 Build: 20170213 Previous release: 20170203 - Changed NETOPLL to two commands NETSETOPLL and NETGETOPLL; - rewrote initialization sequence to include initialization and reservation of the Y8950 sample RAM. Date: 22 Jan 2017 Build: 20170122 Previous release: 20161229 - Implemented browsing of the disk image on the startup (F2 key), forceful image reload (F1 key); - added host name (DHCP option 12) as "gr8net-xxxxxxxxxxxx" where x is adater's MAC address - added MSC-MUSIC ROM is mapper mode 8 - added OPLL statement Date: 15 Apr 2016 Changes/enhancements: - Significantly increased speed of CALLNETBTOV command putting data into VRAM; - Now CALLNETBTOV accepts source data logical page # in bits 8:1 of its first argument, thus developer has option to keep multiple images in GR8NET memory; - Fixed bug in PLAYWAV, it was not playing remainder of the buffer; - Added two more arguments to NETBLOAD identifying starting logical page and address to load data. Date: 06 Feb 2016 Build: 20150206 (v.0.3) Previous release: 20151223 GR8NET engine update required: No, but recommended (to v.0.3) **Offline update required** Changes/enhancements: - DOS1 integration, driver supporting disk images as RAM-disk in GR8NET RAM; - CALLDSK family introduction; - CALLNETSNDVOL command to set audio volumes, stored in config page (saveable by NETSAVE command); - Changed firmware direct call addresses: now call points are located at the end of the ROM page 80h, so as GR8NET ROM signature; GR8NET engine changes/enhancements: - Improved SD-card handling, increased data communication timeout; - Redesigned SCC implementation including 4-point moving average filter @ high frequencies. Date: 23 Dec 2015 Build: 20151223 Previous release: 20151202 GR8NET engine update required: No Changes/enhancements: - New command CALLNETBTOV; - Improved dumping: NETDUMP now dumps with character images in order to recognize text, bytes are separated by the spaces; - Added NETCODE command (for NETBLOAD, NETBROWSE, NETDHCP AND NETSETHOST) because just "Device I/O error" is completely uninformative and we need advanced diagnostic codes; - Changed format of the NETBLOAD command: now first optional argument is URI string, second is run flag (0-2). Bug fixes: - no initialization of the URI structure within NETPLAYWAV statement handler. Amended with copying of default URI structure before parsing input URI string; - incorrect bank 3 page change in the socket closing routine used for device CLOSE operator; - NETDUMP used wrong switching mechanism throughout banks, changed to bank 1 only and to full page range, also corrected helper text; - PARURI routine had a bug when path part of the structure is not terminated with 0 (EOL); - Was performing connection close without disconnection process, this causes some servers going crazy. Changed to DISCON and only then CLOSE basing on the W5100 status register; - NETBLOAD was treating BSAVED images as executables, and was trying to move them to data locations (e.g. 0-DFFF) causing machine crash. Changed NETBLOAD behavior - now to have binary moved NETBLOAD needs argument of (1), and to be moved _and_ executed argument (2). NETBROWSE's space key hit assumes argument (0), enter key hit assumes (2); - removed usage of W5100 socket interrupt register as it does not reflect current status of the connection. Now basing solely on status register; - revised BASIC device support as it was frequently giving Device I/O errors - now it checks for buffer once more after checking for TCP connection termination. I also extended NETDIAG diagnostic messages onto the device OPEN execution; - corrected bug in PARURI when it is passed empty string it hung. Now it checks for empty string and returns doing nothing with CY set; - fixed bug in NETBROWSE when at some condition I did not return to primary register set in the link highlighting routine and highlighting was displayed incorrectly. Date: 02 Dec 2015 Initial release into production Features: - Networking: DHCP, DNS, fixed IP configuration, bload from network, WAV player, TELNET - SD-card: sector read/write (up to 8) implementation - Mappers: GR8NET (0), Plain (1), K4 (2), K5 (3), ASCII8 (4), ASCII16 (5), mapped RAM (7) - Math pack including FAT32 calculations - SCC: standard K5 mapper and standalone - Hardware acceleration functions: interrupt generator, PCM, prefetch BASIC implementation: - statements: GETDA, SETDA, HELP, DIAG, STAT, IP, MASK, GW, DNS, DHCP, FIX, GETIP, GETMASK, GETGW, GETDNS, SETIP, SETMASK, SETGW, SETDNS, CDTOF, SAVE, FWUPDATE, SETHOST, SETPATH, SETNAME, GETHOST, GETPATH, GETNAME, SETPORT, GETPORT, BLOAD, TELNET, PLAYWAV, SETMAP, DUMP, LDBUF, LDRAM, RCHKS, GETMEM, SETMEM, GETMD, SETDM, SDCRD, BROWSE. - devices: TCP, TCS, UDP, RAW, HTTP, HTTR. GR8BIT™, GR8BOOK™, GR8BUS™, GR8BOX™, GR8STORM™ and GR8NET™ are trademarks copyright © 2010-2015 Eugeny Brychkov. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All unreferenced content is copyright © 2010-2015 Eugeny Brychkov. License issued to AGE Labs/Eugeny Brychkov by MSX Licensing Corporation can be viewed here: End of GR8NET-ROM.TXT