10 ' Wait state timing calculation 20 ' Written by Eugeny Brychkov 09-Aug-1028 for GR8NET 25 screen0:width80 30 callnetbload("http://www.gr8bit.ru/software/basic/s1990/s1990.bin",1) 40 defusr=&hc000:a=usr(0) 50 fori=0to15:'register number 55 out&he4,i:x=inp(&he5):print"[";hex$(x);"]-"; 60 forj=0to7:'bit number, 0=LSB 70 ifi=6 and (j=5 or j=6 or j=7) then200:'R800/Z80/DRAM/ROM 75 print hex$(i);"/";hex$(j);" "; 80 m=1:ifj=0then90 85 fork=1toj:m=m*2:nextk 90 y=x and (255 xor m):print"(";hex$(y);")-";:out&he5,y:a=usr(0):z=y or m:print"(";hex$(z);")-";:out&he5,z:a=usr(0):out&he5,x 200 nextj:a$=input$(1) 210 nexti 220 stop