5 clear 512 10 c=&h5fc9:d=&h5fc8 20 callnetsetmem(0,c,&haa):callnetgetmem(0,c,b) 30 if (b and 15)=1 then 60 40 callnetsetmem(0,c,&haa):callnetgetmem(0,c,b) 50 if (b and 15)<>1 then print"Serial flash interface failed":stop 60 callnetsetmem(0,d,&h55):callnetgetmem(0,c,b):if (b and 15)<>2 then 50 70 callnetsetmem(0,c,&h88):callnetgetmem(0,c,b):if (b and 15)<>3 then 50 80 callnetsetmem(0,d,&h0e):callnetgetmem(0,c,b):if (b and 15)<>4 then 50 90 callnetsetmem(0,d,8):callnetgetmem(0,c,b):if (b and &h30)<>&h30 then 50 95 open"gr8fpga.dat" as #1 len=128:field #1, 128 as q$:p=0 99 a$="":for i=0 to 127 100 callnetgetmem(0,c,b):if (b and &h40)<>0 then print"Serial flash interface error at";p:stop 110 if (b and &h80)<>0 then 100 120 callnetgetmem(0,d,b):a$=a$+chr$(b):next i 130 lset q$=a$:put#1:p=p+128:printp;chr$(13);:if p<524288 then 99 140 close #1 150 print"success"